Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 Week 8: Vulnerability

I was reminded this past week about the power of vulnerability.  Though vulnerability is NOT something I enjoy feeling, have in the slightest bit mastered, or volunteer to experience on a regular basis, I adore it.  Vulnerability is so real, so gritty, so completely uniting.  I knew this, but needed a gentle nudge to bring this truth from the foggy back corner to the forefront of my mind.

I post fairly regularly on Facebook.  Heck, I post these weekly entries on Facebook and I believe at least a few of you read them?  I like to think that at times I have good things to say, and can even on occasion make you chuckle.  This week however, I posted a slightly different status update where I shared that I was having a tough day and was not in a good place.  Let me tell you, I was the recipient of more "likes", positive thoughts and prayers, comments and stories on this post than many if not most previous posts.  It was a light bulb "AHA" moment for me....ok, probably more of a forehead smack "duh" moment for me.  See, we all get it.  We've all had what I call that "lunchroom moment", where you feel like you're back in fifth grade holding your lunch tray and desperately scanning the room for someone to sit by.  We've been there before.  We'll be there again.  And the beautiful thing is we can support each other in the courageous journey of embracing vulnerability.

So in that spirit (and because I think courage is sexy), it's time to share.
  • Though I played basketball for years, I can NOT shoot a proper left handed lay-in for the life of me.  It's like a PTSD thing from blowing a knee out that way--freaks me out every time.
  • I have been known to snore.  I will even admit to using a sleep app that actually recorded my snoring so I can't deny this truth.  In my defense, I don't think I regularly snore, but this isn't easy to prove.
  • I hate spiders--I mean I'm a full on sissy when it comes to these little furry guys.  The only way I can kill spiders when I'm alone is by terrorizing myself with thoughts of it coming to get me if it lives.
  • I am terrible at long distance friendships.  Yes, to my wonderful friends who are not in my close vicinity and have not heard from me in months....years--THANK YOU for hanging in there with me!
  • I used to genuinely think I knew myself.  The older I get, the less convinced I am of this, and I'm still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.
  • I am an over-thinker.  It's a problem.  In fact, that's probably why I mention meditation so often. It's my attempt to calm my busy brain.
  • I would have to say that for a variety of reasons this past year has been one of the toughest and most humbling years of my life.  For my inner circle friends who have supported me along the way, I am deeply grateful!
  • And finally, I'm not very good at being vulnerable. Like at all.  But I must give myself the grace to accept that I am a work in progress, and acknowledge that I have grown a lot over this past year.  I encourage any and all support in continuing to advance in this area.
With that, I leave you with the Queen of Vulnerability--Brene' Brown.  If I have not FORCED you to watch this video, read her books, or check out her website--RUN DON'T WALK! Drop everything. Stop reading.  She says it soooo much better than I do!  "Vulnerability is not about fear and grief and disappointment.  it is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.  It is the birthplace of everything we are hungry for."

Check out Brene's amazing TED talk here.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing. everything is a grace...
