Saturday, October 11, 2014

An Invitation to Know Me

Hello Everyone!  Let me start by saying this is a bit long.  So you may just want to grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a bit.

Here’s the short story: As October 11th is National Coming Out Day today, I figured it’s the perfect day to share that I’m gay.

I realize those of you reading that last line are entering my story at different places. Some of you have known this for quite some time.  Others of you haven’t heard this from me, but are not surprised at all--yep, I’ve had my fair share of “finally, you figured it out” comments. :)  And for many of you I know this truth will come as a tremendous shock.  I can appreciate each of these realities, as this has been a 5-6 year process for me personally.  Though I in no way expect you to come to a place of peace with this immediately, I thank you for ‘listening’ to a piece of my story through these written words.

I’ve been asking myself for quite some time—do I really need to come out in some sort of public forum?  I mean the people who are walking close beside me in my day-to-day life have known for quite awhile.  Besides, it’s not like straight people ever have to make a declaration of their sexual orientation (or have even contemplated the question “how do I know I’m straight” for that matter).  But I’ve thought this over for a long time.

Most importantly, rather than hearing this news through the grapevine I’d prefer you hear from me directly.  It is my sincere hope that you would recognize my heart beneath these words.  This wasn't an easy decision; I definitely counted the cost.  But here are a few reasons why the cost would be too great not to share.

Why come out you ask?

To Live My Truth:

As I mentioned—I wrestled with this truth for many years.  I fought it.  It haunted me.  I felt at a place of dissonance for a long time, knowing this was honest, but still unable to accept it.  Over the past several years I've had to embrace some deep soul searching (read wrestling, crying, praying, seeking counsel, more wrestling, insomnia, reading, did I mention wrestling?).  And one fact remained:  This isn't going away.

I believe to dare greatly we need to speak our truth, even if our voice shakes.  I am now at a place of peace in sharing this, which in and of itself is an incredible marker in this journey.

To be Authentically Known:

I would rather you know me and choose to part ways for who I am, than for you to like me for who I am not.  Everyone wants to be known at an authentic level.  Everyone desires friends who are willing to hang in with them when they see the good, bad, and ugly—and who respond to it all with a genuine embrace of love.  From my perspective, that is why we are here. That is our calling.  This is the depth of relationship I will fight for.  That is the quality of life I hope you fight for as well.

To Live Courageously:

When I was as kid I LOVED reading Robin Hood, and the Knights of the Round Table stories were right up my alley.  (I know.  Shocker.)  Secretly I always wanted to be a warrior.  Courage, valor, and bravery were always values to which I aspired.  I see now that I am called to a different kind of battle.  Though sexual orientation is only one piece of a whole person, I still recognize that living this truth means many will disagree and will continue to actively express their concern.  I am identifying with a community who is marginalized, who fights daily for equal rights, who is looked down upon by many, and is labeled and disregarded as “sinful” by many.

For those who think this is a choice (or perhaps one made flippantly), I can assure you it’s certainly not one that I would make knowing the difficulties involved.  This is exactly why I think the LGBT folks I’ve met are some of the most courageous people I’ve known.  They have answered the call to value honesty, integrity, and authenticity ABOVE conformity, comfort, and ease.  They’ve chosen to prioritize finding self over fitting in. I have yet to meet a person who shares that the process of coming out was easy.  For most it is wrought with pain, confusion, rejection, and plain ol’ hard work.  I also have yet to meet a person who does not speak of the freedom and peace found on the other side of this process. Sharing this is vulnerable for me; yet I’ve never thought vulnerability was the way of the timid. It is one of the many courageous characteristics of a warrior.

To Serve as a Bridge:

For those who are less familiar with my story, I come from a conservative Christian background.  I was born on the mission field in Africa.  I attended Christian school my entire life, holding two theology degrees, both undergraduate and graduate.  I worked at a church for nearly 7 years, taught Bible studies, led spiritual retreats, and spoke at various events.  I have a foundation of values and beliefs that I am extremely grateful for as well as parents, family, and friends who love me and whom I love dearly.  With that as my world, you can imagine the disorientation I experienced and the reexamination I’ve gone through these past few years.  I’ve asked and re-asked all the big life questions.  I’ve had to listen, and I mean reeeeeeally listen to arrive at some realities.  And there are still many questions that remain as well.

Here’s the thing, no matter what ‘side of this issue’ we find ourselves, I believe we are called to more—to diminish the sides actually.  To live as a bridge so that one day we push humanity forward and maybe just maybe reach the point where no bridge is needed.  Though it may seem easier to fight or walk away, I truly believe that only love will break down some of the walls we collectively face.  It was love—not logic—that broke down my walls. There are some amazing people on either side of this bridge, and I feel privileged to know both shores.  I don’t know exactly how to span the huge chasm between the LGBT community and “the church”, but if I can serve as a bridge in even a small way, I am willing.

To Extend an Invitation:

For those of you who are curious or have questions, I invite you into a dialogue.  And please note that I deliberately chose the world dialogue rather than debate.  Debates don’t change minds, opinions, or hearts.  Debates lead individuals further apart rather than drawing them together.  For the open hearted, curious, grace-filled, lovers of vulnerability—let’s connect.  As Rumi said so eloquently, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I will meet you there.”

To Express my Gratitude:

There have been MANY who have played a big role in supporting me throughout this journey thus far.  Many who prayed for me, cried with me, listened for hours, and continued to remind me that it was going to be ok.  Many I’ve watched from afar who have taught me volumes simply by the way they choose to live their lives.  Though “thank you” doesn’t seem powerful enough to express my gratitude, I say these words with the utmost appreciation, honor, and humility. Thank YOU.

So there you have it, my story of discovery in a few words.  Has it been easy? No.  Would I want to re-live the past few years?  Not really.  Is it worth it? Wholeheartedly YES!

Happy National Coming Out Day Everyone.

With love,


Thursday, June 5, 2014

2014 Week 22: I got nothin'!  

Wow I'll tell you what, I've been inspired this week, but I've been inspired to live, not write about it.  Yes, I've tried several times this week to actually get something written here in this blog.  But today it hit me--if I'm having this much fun soaking in life, perhaps I should release the obligation this week of interrupting that to write it down.

So I'm taking a bye folks.  If you're opposed to this, please feel free to leave a comment regarding what you'd enjoy reading.  Otherwise, I will naturally assume you all are in full support of this decision.  :)

31 weeks left y'all--soak it in!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

2014 Week 21: Wise Words from Maya Angelou

This week I'd like to defer the floor to a woman of grace, dignity, and brilliance.  Here are a few of my favorite quotes of Maya Angelou in honor of the light she shone in this world.  Though she is gone, may her words continue to inspire!
  • I believe that each of us comes from the creator trailing wisps of glory.
  • You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. 
  • If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
  • Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.  
  •  Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I’m telling lies.
    I say,
    It’s in the reach of my arms
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.
  • When you know better, you do better. 
  • I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2014 Week 20: Locking in the Fantastic!

I’ve gotta say, these last few weeks have been phenomenal!  From reconnecting with old friends, to meeting new friends, making some deep self-discoveries, positive political rulings, soccer games to watch, still not missing tv—I mean life is grand!  Now it’s true, there is a chance I have reverse S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I’m just ridiculously happy when the sun is out.  Regardless—I’ll Take It!  So I know I’ve had a few posts related to powering through the low points in life.  I’d love to know from you all—how do you lock in those amazing high points? 

When I asked myself this question, here are a few of the answers that came to mind:
  • Share it—There’s no use keeping the joy to yourself, spread the love!  Share a win, pass along praise, point out the sunshine, compliment your neighbor—you get the point.  Just be sure to be sensitive to those who may not be in the reverse SAD spot you are. :)  
  • Wear it—have you ever noticed that smiles are contagious?  I paid particular attention to this while jogging in Europe.  I’d play this little game where I’d smile at the people I passed to see who I could get to smile back at me.  My word, the beauty in the smiles I received amazed me!  I really should try that here more often.
  • There it—Ok, I know this one is a bit of a stretch, but I’m trying to keep up with the cheesy rhyming theme I somehow cornered myself into here.  As we’ve discussed in the past, an attitude of gratitude goes a long ways in good times as well as bad.  The more intentionally we point out what we’re grateful for, the easier it gets and the more we’ll see.  Keep a gratitude journal, a gratitude log, a mental list—whatever, just do it!  What do I have to be grateful for—there it is!
  • Dare it—When life is going swimmingly, I dare it to be even better.  I find myself expecting good things to happen, and looking around in anticipation.  When I do this, the things I may have looked over or dismissed as mundane become glorious!  The smile of a child standing next to you, the waddle of the dog passing you on the street, the incredible flavors in a bite of sushi, the crazy lightning display we had a few days back—all awesome reminders of how beautiful this life is!
Well, I’m out of rhyming words so that’s my list.  What’s yours?  Only 32 weeks left people.  Lock it in!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

2014 Week 19: I don't miss it!

Ok, I truly thought that once I cut TV out that I’d be bored....or at very least rely on Netflix.  Let me tell you,  I don’t miss it at all.  IN FACT—I feel like I’ve found so many things to do I’ve been running behind all week!  What can I say, I’ve had space to be inspired, to process, to dream, to hang with friends, to contemplate—it’s been lovely!

Annnnnnd because of that, I don’t really have time to write deep thoughts from Lynn Morrow this week.  Perhaps next week I will have recalibrated to this refreshing new pace. 

Have a great week everyone!  Only 33 to go!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2014 Week 18: Mind the Gap

Although “Keep calm and ____ (insert just about anything here)” is perhaps the most touted Brit phrase these days, the one I’ve been thinking about lately is the ever famous Mind the Gap.

Specifically I’ve been pondering the gap between who I am, and who I want to be.  What resides here in this gap—the things that keep me from being exactly who I was designed to be at my fullest potential?  After some honest introspection here are a few of my answers:
  • Distractions—it could be Facebook, reading, television, texting, surfing the web....  None of these are bad in and of themselves, but how often do these keep me from progressing towards bigger goals that matter?  I’ll be the first to admit—for me it’s TV.  (More to come on that later.)
  • Perfectionism—how often do I wait for the “perfect” next step, as opposed to a possible next step? Sometimes I get frozen in analysis paralysis as I try to decipher EXACTLY how to move forward. 
  • Laziness—who are we kidding, growth and change take work and sometimes I just don’t feel like putting forth the effort.
  • Fear—behind every goal worth dreaming lies the fear that it will never be realized.  Sometimes it’s tough to actually take the risk, and move towards that which I desire.
  • Discouragement—whereas fear may be based only in imagined failure, discouragement can arise directly from fact.  Perhaps I've tried and failed and tried and failed ad nauseam.   Sometimes getting off the mat is exhausting.
So can you relate to any of these gap dwellers?  I've battled them before, and undoubtedly I will face them again.  I did triumph over one of these this past week, I completely cancelled my tv, no basic channels or anything.  Yep, my biggest distraction yields only a blank screen these days—and to be honest, it’s been lovely. 

So to my gap dwellers I say this: 
  • “I’m here to build something for the long term. Anything else is a distraction.” ~Mark Zuckerberg
  • “Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.” ~Tony Bombacino
  • “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.” ~Jules Renard
  • "There are always two voices sounding in our ears: the voice of fear and the voice of confidence.  One is the clamor of the senses, the other is the whispering of the higher self.” ~Charles B. Newcomb
  • “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly....” ~Theodore Roosevelt  (LOVE that one!)
Sometimes it just takes one step and this week I took one!  #Winning!  

34 Weeks left to Mind the Gap!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2014 Week 17: Here's To Your Health!

Have you ever taken the time to be grateful for your health?  I’ll be the first to admit that I tend to value my health the most when I’m not at the peak of it.  Why is that?  I’ve been thinking about that the last few days as I’ve been sick and working from home.

I miss the little thing, things like the smell of fresh baked cookies, or fresh rosemary or cilantro…or being able to smell anything really.  A full night of sleep—heavenly.  The ability to swallow—never really thought about that until it hurt.  Breathing deeply, having energy, speaking with a voice that doesn’t sound like a man.  :)  Yes, our bodies are pretty amazing! 
So if you were able to smell the roses today, breathe in the fresh air, swallow some delicious food (that you could taste), and have a full night of sleep tonight—consider yourself truly blessed!  And a week from now when I’m back in tip top shape, remind me just how luck I am!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2014 Week 16: Rebirth

This past week was not a great one for me.  I won’t bore you with the details, but needless to say I’ve had better....much better.  It was the week I can safely say I fell off the intentionality wagon.  Though I did manage to keep up with prayer and meditation and exercise, I also fell into many of those numbing habits—time wasting tv, over processing and worrying about the future, negative thinking, etc.

I woke up Easter morning however, and was reminded of the concept of rebirth.  It’s the central story of Easter—death and resurrection.  It’s vividly portrayed by the seasons, taking us from Spring through Winter, and back to Spring again.  It’s played out in nature, reminding us each and every day as the dawn breaks out of the deepest darkness.  It’s the story of life and maturity as we learn to release the habits, activities, and relationships that are not life giving and embrace those which are. 

Though at times it seems counter-intuitive, some of our greatest gain is often reborn out of our deepest loss.  As Rumi says, “the wound is the place where the light enters you.”  So with that in mind, I guess rather than chalking this past week up as a loss I should receive it as yet another invitation to be on the lookout for rebirth, a chance to embrace the lessons and as a result to rise.

36 Weeks Left Y'all! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 Week 15: Birthday Celebration

To all of you who made me feel so special, celebrated, and loved on my birthday—THANK YOU!!!

Confession—I used to be one of those people (you know, thoooooose people) who didn't let others know if my birthday was approaching.  It was fine that my friends and family knew and celebrated, but it wasn't something to announce to the masses.  And then I met my friend Lisa.  

Lisa loves birthdays—LOVES them!  She has an absurd birthday cake hat (like the one pictured above) that she pulls out for birthdays.  She celebrates others ridiculously on their special day.  One time with a little help from others she filled my office full of balloons and hid in them.  I got stuck chatting at the front door, but finally my coworkers forced me inside, and with the hallelujah chorus playing in the background Lisa popped out with a huge grin. 

Quickly I noticed that Lisa’s birthday was best of all.  She approached her birthday like we all did when we were five years old—do you remember that?  You woke up excited, you eagerly anticipated the magic that would inevitably occur in the day ahead, and rather than awkwardly pushing it away you reveled in the celebration of others.  My goodness it’s fun to celebrate Lisa on her birthday and see that joy pulsating through her.  I soon realized that when it came to birthdays, I wanted to be just like Lisa when I grew up.

Now I have not yet reached Lisa status—but I have definitely grown in my ability to intentionally embrace my birthday.  As my birthday week now draws to a close (or perhaps I’m a day over), here are some ways I’ve moved to at least junior varsity status in birthday celebration:
  • No Secrets—There was no hidden birthday this year.  In fact I publicly announced the dawning of birthday week on Facebook for all the masses to see.
  • Birthday week—You heard that correctly; why celebrate for a day if you can enjoy a whole week?!  Throughout the entire week I took time to drink in life, enjoy some of my very favorite foods and activities, and approach each day anticipating great things.  Who knows, maybe next year I’ll pull off birthday month.
  • Release expectations—Now the anticipation that I mentioned in my last point needs to be balanced by the releasing of expectations.  I don’t want you to go out and anticipate that the heavens will open, the sun will shine, work will be effortless and everyone will be overly kind to you all week.  That’s an easy way to get disappointed.  I’m just saying pay extra special attention to the phenomenal gifts that surround you each and every day—celebrate what is already there.  If your bus arrives on time—it’s probably because it’s your birthday.  If there’s extra pizza in the lunchroom—birthday blessing.  And if someone saw your Facebook post and wishes you a happy week—WINNING!  
  • Gratitude—Similar to the item above, birthdays provide a great time for us to pause and take an accounting of how much we have to be thankful for.  How have you changed for the better this year?  In what ways have you grown?  What were the highlights of the past year, both expected and unexpected?  What joys might the future year hold?  I’m grateful that birthdays provide a marker to reflect on how we’ve impacted the world and how the world has impacted us in the previous year.
  • Family and Friends—Though it is fun to be celebrated, one of my favorite things about birthdays is truly reflecting on how much I appreciate those who come around me to celebrate.  It can be as simple as a birthday Facebook message or text. Or maybe it’s hearing from someone you haven’t connected with in awhile.  It’s your Australian Aunt who without fail celebrates your birthday by sending you a hand crafted card. (Ok ya, that last one’s pretty specific to me, but you get the point.)  This year I also enjoyed the company of a high-spirited motley crew who got me to leave town for a weekend and create some lasting memories.  
Each and every kind word, birthday wish, present, and created memory reminded me that in the ways that truly matter, I am rich!  So again—I thank you for celebrating.  Though every week isn't birthday week, we still have 37 to celebrate!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

 Week 14 2014: Gratitude

Regardless of what religion you adhere to, what doctrine you study or what creed you choose to follow, I’ve noticed that one major element seems to span them all: Gratitude.  Gratitude not only improves your outlook, adjusts your perspective, and makes you feel good, it has also been scientifically proven to improve your health.  As I approach the beginning of my birthday I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude, and how very much I have to be thankful for over this past year.  To name just a few:

Family—with you through thick and thin, the highs and lows.  They may not look like you, think like you, laugh at the same things, enjoy the same activities, or live in the same town—but oh my word they love you!  I am so very grateful for my family, and for the unconditional love they have showered on me my entire life.  I have never doubted that I am loved.  NEVER!  For any of you who have noted that I am confident, my family is a huge reason for this….annnnnd for those who say I’m over confident, well blame the fam.  Just kidding.

Friends— I posted on friendship before here, so you can tell how incredibly important friends are to me.  Looking specifically at this past year, I have old friends who have loved me and faithfully supported me through some crazy valleys.  I also made new friends who have brought such refreshing perspective, laughter, and love into my life. For friends both old and new I am so incredibly humbled and thankful!

Work—How grateful I am to work with a team who I actually miss on vacation!  Ok true, I can’t say I missed them riiiiight away (I was gone for the full month of December).  BUT STILL, I was excited to come back to work after my Europe trip, and that is saying something!  I’m so grateful to work beside brilliant people—people who care about the same things I do and share similar passions.  Here’s to serving in a career where our mission is to help others become more!  Tell me that’s not worth getting up for each day!

Challenge—Challenge isn’t fun, it usually doesn’t feel good, and it is often painful.  As I’ve shared before, this past year has held a whole host of them for me to walk through personally.  What I’ve learned in experiencing these many challenges is that each one presents a golden opportunity to learn, to develop, and to rise.  I am not the same person I was this time last year.  I can tangibly see where I have grown in grace, humility, compassion, and courage (and the good Lord knows I needed to expand in all of these areas).  So I bless all the events and happenings that tested my metal, pushed my boundaries, and inspired my growth.

Hobbes—Do you seeee how cute he is?  I mean really, it’s hardly even fair.  On a more serious note, Hobbes makes me smile when I’m happy, licks my tears when I’m sad, and gets me off of the couch to take him for a walk time and time again.  He is quite the companion, and I’m grateful he’s mine.

As I said, these are just a few and barely seem to scratch the surface when I think of the many reasons I have to give thanks.  Reality is I don’t have a six-figure income, a huge house, or wear designer clothes—but my word I’m rich in all the ways that truly matter!

What are you grateful for?  What blessings are currently counting?  What gifts do you have that can sometimes overwhelm you and make you wonder how you ever got to be so lucky in this life? 

Here’s to 38 more weeks filled with immense gratitude!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2014 Week 13: What are your Values?

Over the past few months I’ve been privileged with the opportunity to serve on the Vision Council at InsideTrack.  It’s an exciting time in the company as we are trying to determine our aim and direction for the next 20-30 years.  We’ve been asking all the big questions—what are our values?  What is our unique purpose? What big audacious goals do we have, and what would the future look like if we accomplished those goals?  Of course being the over processor that I am, this makes me contemplate the same questions for myself.  In truth I haven’t even come close to answering all these, but I have at least started on the first question.  What are my values—the principles by which I navigate my life?  Though I won’t bore you with all of mine, here is one value that always shows up on my list:

Growth/Life Long Learning—Isn’t it an awesome thing that in this lifetime we will never really arrive?  There will always be new lessons to discover, fresh lands to explore, different challenges that arise, and moments that test and expand our edges.  Every human being we meet has a lesson to teach if we have the eyes to see it, and the desire to learn. I highly value being a student of life, and I try to approach each day looking for those opportunities to grow and develop. 

...well except for Mondays.  Those can just be rough sometimes right?  But I digress....

So here’s to continual learning!  May we approach the next 39 weeks with an open mind, a willing heart, and an eagerness to grow!

Monday, March 24, 2014

2014 Week 12: Taking a Break

Close your eyes for just a second.  Picture in your mind in as much detail as you can your absolute favorite vacation spot. Is it a tropical beach, with the soft sand, the crashing waves, and the smell of plumeria in the wind?  Is it a snowy mountain with the rugged evergreens peaking out from underneath the glistening blanket of white?  Next, recall what it feels like when you’ve just woken up from the perfectly timed afternoon nap-so rested, so relaxed.  Finally, think back to a time when you actually paused in the sunshine and took the time to feel its warmth on your face. 

Each of these moments remind me that there are times when it’s important to take a break, to slow down, to breathe in the moment, to rest.  I’m having such a moment this week.  The cold that I’d been fighting for days finally caught up with me.  And I confess, I’ve tried for hours to think of something to write, but alas I can’t squeeze out a single drop of inspiration.

And so with that, I will heed the call of my mind and body and rest. 

Happy week 12 everyone--just 40 left.  While you're out there changing the planet, make sure you take the time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation as well!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

2014 Week 11: Legacy

What legacy will you leave?  What do you want people to think about when they hear your name and remember one day when you are gone?  I’ve been mulling over these questions lately, and I’ll let you in on the reason why.

Admittedly this post is a little late this week—but for good reason.  I mean who doesn’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?!  This holiday has a special place in my heart.  And though yes, I have Irish blood running through my veins from both my mother and father’s sides of the family, the main reason this holiday is special is because of my great Aunt Mary.

I grew up living across the street from Aunt Mary from the time I can remember until the 5th grade.  She was a critical piece of my family.  Aunt Mary was tiny (well, in height anyway), she was single her whole life, was Irish to the core, and she could cook like Martha Stewart, Aunt Jamima, and that angry guy on Hell’s Kitchen all rolled into one!  Aunt Mary was a little cantankerous at times, and frequently she would shoo us kids out of her way when she was rushing around the kitchen.  But here’s the one thing that made an indelible mark on my life: Aunt Mary’s door was always open.  It didn’t matter what day or time we would trot over and ring her doorbell (which we did constantly), we were always welcome.  In fact, every time I visited she made me feel like I had just made her entire day. 

I remember my sister and I racing over to her house one day after school soaked from getting caught in the rain.  Yes, of course we had to walk to school rain or shine because we were tough children of the 80s (well, 70s officially, but 80s by the time we hit school).  Aunt Mary welcomed us in, toweled us off, and let us take turns wearing that cool spacey contraption that was like a combo hairdryer/ugly hat.  Aunt Mary hosted the major holidays—all the extended family would gather around her.  And let me tell you, she was the most popular woman in town during Christmas.  EVERYONE had a present for Aunt Mary!  Aunt Mary made a huge impact on my life—and every single St. Patrick’s Day I remember her with much gratitude for all the richness she added to my world.

So this brings me back to my original questions—how will others remember me when I’m gone?  What is my legacy?  I can’t say I have entirely figured out the answer to this, but one thing I know—I want people to say that this world was a better place because I was in it.  I desire to leave this planet and the people in it in better shape than when I arrived.  I would like those who know me to say I laughed often, I loved deeply, and I lived boldly.  As I read this back, I can’t say that I’ve arrived or earned each of these statements just yet.  So let this be the legacy towards which I strive.

41 Weeks left--here's to making them last!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2014 Week 10: Friendships

Friendships are the best aren’t they?  I was reminded of this several times this past week.  Throughout my highs and lows, my times of strength and days of questioning—this belief has never wavered at my core: we were not put on this planet to walk alone.    We were created to travel together, to learn from each other, to pick up those who stumble around us, and reach out for a hand when we’ve stumbled ourselves.  That’s one of the things I love about coaching—no matter how brilliant we are on our own, true magic happens when we combine forces. 

So to the friends in my life...

FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY:  You are the travelers who crossed my path at some point and because you did, my life was enriched.  Whether we interacted for a day or a few years, I thank you. Thank you for showing up, for sharing who you are and for adding color to my life.

FRIENDS ALONG FOR THE HIKE:  We didn’t simply pass each other along the way in this life; instead you joined me for a while walking side by side.  You’ve shared in some of my highs and lows.  You’ve witnessed laughter and tears...and likely tears produced by laughing so hard.  Knowing you has shaped a part of who I am as a person, of that I have no doubt.  Though our friendship lasted for a season and we may not be in close proximity any more, my life was incredibly blessed by your company along the path.

FRIENDS ALONG FOR THE JOURNEY:  Now this is a special crew.  You are my “move a body” friends (read this article if that doesn’t make sense to you....and start reading Brene’ Brown already!) :-)   You’ve seen me at the height of victory and celebrated in my joy.  You have seen me during the lowest of lows, when defeat was agonizing and I’ve cried so hard I’ve blown snot bubbles.   You’ve pushed me, inspired me, encouraged me, made me laugh, and held me when I’ve cried.  You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, and despite all this you believe in me.  You graciously remind me of strength and beauty in myself that I can no longer see, and the song of my soul that I can no longer hear.

And you are not going anywhere—you’re here for the journey.  There is no earthly price that could be put on this type of relationship.  The fact that I can even say I have one friend in this category let alone a few makes me truly rich indeed!

And now I’m ending this post as I started—extremely aware, incredibly humbled, and forever grateful for the many of you who I call friend.

42 weeks left everyone—be sure to grab a friend today and let them know how they’ve made your world that much brighter!

Monday, March 3, 2014

2014 Week 9: Confessions from a Former Realist

I heard a statement this past week that caught my attention.  “Realism is just a socially acceptable form of pessimism.”  I’ll be honest, up until this past year I’ve proudly considered myself a realist.  I’ve never wanted to be a pessimist, looking over my shoulder and waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Neither did I want to be that optimistic pie-in-the-sky dreamer because….wait, what was that good reason again?

Perhaps I thought realism was safer, a form of self-preservation if you will.  Those who set their expectations too high are more likely to get hurt, right?   . . . Wait, lets see if I have thought that through.  If we lower our dreams and desires and believe that life is the perfectly balanced form of average—then it will be less painful?

Will it really?

As you can probably tell, my thoughts on this subject have shifted over this past year.  See, I want to be a dreamer.  I want to believe that life is amazing. I want to trust that we have each been given incredible talents, gifts, and opportunities to transform this planet.   I want to engage with thoughts that inspire, and encourage others to do the same.  I want to see the beauty that life has to offer—both in the simple, and complex.  I want to be overwhelmed by gratitude for the smallest of things.

I recognize that life is not easy and challenges will rise.  I’m not suggesting a Pollyanna-type attitude that ignores reality and refuses to look at pain.  Instead, at the core of my being I want to hold on to the truths that out of pain comes beauty, that challenge leads to growth, that struggle makes us strong.

And so I will.  My name is Lynn Morrow, and I declare myself an optimist. 

Two months of this beautiful year are behind us—only 10 left.  Let’s make it amazing!

Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 Week 8: Vulnerability

I was reminded this past week about the power of vulnerability.  Though vulnerability is NOT something I enjoy feeling, have in the slightest bit mastered, or volunteer to experience on a regular basis, I adore it.  Vulnerability is so real, so gritty, so completely uniting.  I knew this, but needed a gentle nudge to bring this truth from the foggy back corner to the forefront of my mind.

I post fairly regularly on Facebook.  Heck, I post these weekly entries on Facebook and I believe at least a few of you read them?  I like to think that at times I have good things to say, and can even on occasion make you chuckle.  This week however, I posted a slightly different status update where I shared that I was having a tough day and was not in a good place.  Let me tell you, I was the recipient of more "likes", positive thoughts and prayers, comments and stories on this post than many if not most previous posts.  It was a light bulb "AHA" moment for me....ok, probably more of a forehead smack "duh" moment for me.  See, we all get it.  We've all had what I call that "lunchroom moment", where you feel like you're back in fifth grade holding your lunch tray and desperately scanning the room for someone to sit by.  We've been there before.  We'll be there again.  And the beautiful thing is we can support each other in the courageous journey of embracing vulnerability.

So in that spirit (and because I think courage is sexy), it's time to share.
  • Though I played basketball for years, I can NOT shoot a proper left handed lay-in for the life of me.  It's like a PTSD thing from blowing a knee out that way--freaks me out every time.
  • I have been known to snore.  I will even admit to using a sleep app that actually recorded my snoring so I can't deny this truth.  In my defense, I don't think I regularly snore, but this isn't easy to prove.
  • I hate spiders--I mean I'm a full on sissy when it comes to these little furry guys.  The only way I can kill spiders when I'm alone is by terrorizing myself with thoughts of it coming to get me if it lives.
  • I am terrible at long distance friendships.  Yes, to my wonderful friends who are not in my close vicinity and have not heard from me in months....years--THANK YOU for hanging in there with me!
  • I used to genuinely think I knew myself.  The older I get, the less convinced I am of this, and I'm still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.
  • I am an over-thinker.  It's a problem.  In fact, that's probably why I mention meditation so often. It's my attempt to calm my busy brain.
  • I would have to say that for a variety of reasons this past year has been one of the toughest and most humbling years of my life.  For my inner circle friends who have supported me along the way, I am deeply grateful!
  • And finally, I'm not very good at being vulnerable. Like at all.  But I must give myself the grace to accept that I am a work in progress, and acknowledge that I have grown a lot over this past year.  I encourage any and all support in continuing to advance in this area.
With that, I leave you with the Queen of Vulnerability--Brene' Brown.  If I have not FORCED you to watch this video, read her books, or check out her website--RUN DON'T WALK! Drop everything. Stop reading.  She says it soooo much better than I do!  "Vulnerability is not about fear and grief and disappointment.  it is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.  It is the birthplace of everything we are hungry for."

Check out Brene's amazing TED talk here.

Monday, February 17, 2014

2014 Week 7: Inspire

Remember a few weeks past when I was in a bit of a funk?  One of the things that helped pull me out of this funk was focusing on that which inspires me.   I LOVE the word inspire; it’s actually one of my all time favorite words.  If you were to ask me my life’s passion, that’s the answer I would give—to inspire!  …....Ok, I would likely want to give a way longer answer than that, but if I had to narrow it down to two words, those would be the two. 

Growth inspires me.  Leadership inspires me.  Courage inspires me.  People who pursue their passions, speak their truth, live their calling—oh I get fired up just thinking about it.  See I believe that we were put on this planet for a purpose.  I believe that we have each been given indelible gifts and talents that are meant to serve each other and add light and love to this world.  I believe in the undeniable power of an individual’s unique brilliance.   So those days when I feel a little lethargic, status quo, and less than enthused—those are the days when I need to reconnect with that which inspires me.

What inspires you?  What gets your mind spinning, your hopes rekindled and dreams reinvigorated?  We have 45 more weeks to pursue that which inspires in 2014.  Let’s make the most of it!

Inspiration in under 7 minutes:

Inspiration in an hour: