Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2014 Week 13: What are your Values?

Over the past few months I’ve been privileged with the opportunity to serve on the Vision Council at InsideTrack.  It’s an exciting time in the company as we are trying to determine our aim and direction for the next 20-30 years.  We’ve been asking all the big questions—what are our values?  What is our unique purpose? What big audacious goals do we have, and what would the future look like if we accomplished those goals?  Of course being the over processor that I am, this makes me contemplate the same questions for myself.  In truth I haven’t even come close to answering all these, but I have at least started on the first question.  What are my values—the principles by which I navigate my life?  Though I won’t bore you with all of mine, here is one value that always shows up on my list:

Growth/Life Long Learning—Isn’t it an awesome thing that in this lifetime we will never really arrive?  There will always be new lessons to discover, fresh lands to explore, different challenges that arise, and moments that test and expand our edges.  Every human being we meet has a lesson to teach if we have the eyes to see it, and the desire to learn. I highly value being a student of life, and I try to approach each day looking for those opportunities to grow and develop. 

...well except for Mondays.  Those can just be rough sometimes right?  But I digress....

So here’s to continual learning!  May we approach the next 39 weeks with an open mind, a willing heart, and an eagerness to grow!

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