Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 Week 15: Birthday Celebration

To all of you who made me feel so special, celebrated, and loved on my birthday—THANK YOU!!!

Confession—I used to be one of those people (you know, thoooooose people) who didn't let others know if my birthday was approaching.  It was fine that my friends and family knew and celebrated, but it wasn't something to announce to the masses.  And then I met my friend Lisa.  

Lisa loves birthdays—LOVES them!  She has an absurd birthday cake hat (like the one pictured above) that she pulls out for birthdays.  She celebrates others ridiculously on their special day.  One time with a little help from others she filled my office full of balloons and hid in them.  I got stuck chatting at the front door, but finally my coworkers forced me inside, and with the hallelujah chorus playing in the background Lisa popped out with a huge grin. 

Quickly I noticed that Lisa’s birthday was best of all.  She approached her birthday like we all did when we were five years old—do you remember that?  You woke up excited, you eagerly anticipated the magic that would inevitably occur in the day ahead, and rather than awkwardly pushing it away you reveled in the celebration of others.  My goodness it’s fun to celebrate Lisa on her birthday and see that joy pulsating through her.  I soon realized that when it came to birthdays, I wanted to be just like Lisa when I grew up.

Now I have not yet reached Lisa status—but I have definitely grown in my ability to intentionally embrace my birthday.  As my birthday week now draws to a close (or perhaps I’m a day over), here are some ways I’ve moved to at least junior varsity status in birthday celebration:
  • No Secrets—There was no hidden birthday this year.  In fact I publicly announced the dawning of birthday week on Facebook for all the masses to see.
  • Birthday week—You heard that correctly; why celebrate for a day if you can enjoy a whole week?!  Throughout the entire week I took time to drink in life, enjoy some of my very favorite foods and activities, and approach each day anticipating great things.  Who knows, maybe next year I’ll pull off birthday month.
  • Release expectations—Now the anticipation that I mentioned in my last point needs to be balanced by the releasing of expectations.  I don’t want you to go out and anticipate that the heavens will open, the sun will shine, work will be effortless and everyone will be overly kind to you all week.  That’s an easy way to get disappointed.  I’m just saying pay extra special attention to the phenomenal gifts that surround you each and every day—celebrate what is already there.  If your bus arrives on time—it’s probably because it’s your birthday.  If there’s extra pizza in the lunchroom—birthday blessing.  And if someone saw your Facebook post and wishes you a happy week—WINNING!  
  • Gratitude—Similar to the item above, birthdays provide a great time for us to pause and take an accounting of how much we have to be thankful for.  How have you changed for the better this year?  In what ways have you grown?  What were the highlights of the past year, both expected and unexpected?  What joys might the future year hold?  I’m grateful that birthdays provide a marker to reflect on how we’ve impacted the world and how the world has impacted us in the previous year.
  • Family and Friends—Though it is fun to be celebrated, one of my favorite things about birthdays is truly reflecting on how much I appreciate those who come around me to celebrate.  It can be as simple as a birthday Facebook message or text. Or maybe it’s hearing from someone you haven’t connected with in awhile.  It’s your Australian Aunt who without fail celebrates your birthday by sending you a hand crafted card. (Ok ya, that last one’s pretty specific to me, but you get the point.)  This year I also enjoyed the company of a high-spirited motley crew who got me to leave town for a weekend and create some lasting memories.  
Each and every kind word, birthday wish, present, and created memory reminded me that in the ways that truly matter, I am rich!  So again—I thank you for celebrating.  Though every week isn't birthday week, we still have 37 to celebrate!

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