Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2014 Week 10: Friendships

Friendships are the best aren’t they?  I was reminded of this several times this past week.  Throughout my highs and lows, my times of strength and days of questioning—this belief has never wavered at my core: we were not put on this planet to walk alone.    We were created to travel together, to learn from each other, to pick up those who stumble around us, and reach out for a hand when we’ve stumbled ourselves.  That’s one of the things I love about coaching—no matter how brilliant we are on our own, true magic happens when we combine forces. 

So to the friends in my life...

FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY:  You are the travelers who crossed my path at some point and because you did, my life was enriched.  Whether we interacted for a day or a few years, I thank you. Thank you for showing up, for sharing who you are and for adding color to my life.

FRIENDS ALONG FOR THE HIKE:  We didn’t simply pass each other along the way in this life; instead you joined me for a while walking side by side.  You’ve shared in some of my highs and lows.  You’ve witnessed laughter and tears...and likely tears produced by laughing so hard.  Knowing you has shaped a part of who I am as a person, of that I have no doubt.  Though our friendship lasted for a season and we may not be in close proximity any more, my life was incredibly blessed by your company along the path.

FRIENDS ALONG FOR THE JOURNEY:  Now this is a special crew.  You are my “move a body” friends (read this article if that doesn’t make sense to you....and start reading Brene’ Brown already!) :-)   You’ve seen me at the height of victory and celebrated in my joy.  You have seen me during the lowest of lows, when defeat was agonizing and I’ve cried so hard I’ve blown snot bubbles.   You’ve pushed me, inspired me, encouraged me, made me laugh, and held me when I’ve cried.  You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, and despite all this you believe in me.  You graciously remind me of strength and beauty in myself that I can no longer see, and the song of my soul that I can no longer hear.

And you are not going anywhere—you’re here for the journey.  There is no earthly price that could be put on this type of relationship.  The fact that I can even say I have one friend in this category let alone a few makes me truly rich indeed!

And now I’m ending this post as I started—extremely aware, incredibly humbled, and forever grateful for the many of you who I call friend.

42 weeks left everyone—be sure to grab a friend today and let them know how they’ve made your world that much brighter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lynn this is beautifully written! I am so very thankful that you are one my friends for the journey!! I love you dearly and am so thankful you are my sis!! -Sharon
