Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2014 Week 3: Persistence
You know those "top of the world" weeks where you feel like you should be wearing a sign that says "Winning!"? Yeeeeah, I didn't have one of those. Don't get me wrong, there were some accomplishments. I shampooed allll my carpets (quite a task I must say), I decided to stop eating teflon and purchased some new ceramic pans, I threw away some things I don't need, and I had some ...great friend time. But I also fell into some of those common traps--living too much in my head (are there any other over analyzers out there?), focusing on the past or future as opposed to the sacred now, and accomplishing much less than I planned even with the extra day.

The opportunity of a week like this--well this is real life isn't it? Life isn't always a mountain top or a valley for that matter, it has all sorts of ups and downs. Yet we are still asked to climb, and in doing so we rise. So I choose the word persistence this week. Whether high points or low, good times or bad, I'm going to keep climbing!

We have 49 more weeks of the year--keep persisting friends!

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