Saturday, September 26, 2009

What a day!

There is NOTHING quite like the feeling of glancing at your alarm clock, seeing the numbers 8:15, and knowing that you have a work meeting in 45 minutes allll the way downtown. It would be quite the understatement to say that this past Tuesday morning I awoke like a shot! And though I may impress you by recreating the scene as I threw on clothes, weaved through traffic, and raced from the parking garage--suffice to say I actually made it to the office by 9:02. Nice! I guess that's what I get for not sleeping well the night before, my body just decided to do it's own thing to catch up on sleep. That was the jump start to my day.

I stayed late at work--I mean if you start late, you should probably end late right? Well, then I got a long talker on the phone, which made me end up missing my bus. Had to wait a whole 20 minutes for the next bus.

....did ya catch it? Ya, the whole "weaving through traffic" line above would imply that I drove to work today, thus making staying late pretty unnecessary. Don't worry, if you didn't catch it I didn't either until I was riding the elevator on my way to "catch the bus". Sheesh! I had to laugh at myself! Ahhh well, let's just chalk this day up to a comedy of errors. We all need those every once in a while right?

There is an old Irish proverb which says, " A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." Apparently, I had a very healthy day!

1 comment:

  1. i'm still laughing...

    about the day.

    and also about the little details you left out...
