Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2014 Week 20: Locking in the Fantastic!

I’ve gotta say, these last few weeks have been phenomenal!  From reconnecting with old friends, to meeting new friends, making some deep self-discoveries, positive political rulings, soccer games to watch, still not missing tv—I mean life is grand!  Now it’s true, there is a chance I have reverse S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I’m just ridiculously happy when the sun is out.  Regardless—I’ll Take It!  So I know I’ve had a few posts related to powering through the low points in life.  I’d love to know from you all—how do you lock in those amazing high points? 

When I asked myself this question, here are a few of the answers that came to mind:
  • Share it—There’s no use keeping the joy to yourself, spread the love!  Share a win, pass along praise, point out the sunshine, compliment your neighbor—you get the point.  Just be sure to be sensitive to those who may not be in the reverse SAD spot you are. :)  
  • Wear it—have you ever noticed that smiles are contagious?  I paid particular attention to this while jogging in Europe.  I’d play this little game where I’d smile at the people I passed to see who I could get to smile back at me.  My word, the beauty in the smiles I received amazed me!  I really should try that here more often.
  • There it—Ok, I know this one is a bit of a stretch, but I’m trying to keep up with the cheesy rhyming theme I somehow cornered myself into here.  As we’ve discussed in the past, an attitude of gratitude goes a long ways in good times as well as bad.  The more intentionally we point out what we’re grateful for, the easier it gets and the more we’ll see.  Keep a gratitude journal, a gratitude log, a mental list—whatever, just do it!  What do I have to be grateful for—there it is!
  • Dare it—When life is going swimmingly, I dare it to be even better.  I find myself expecting good things to happen, and looking around in anticipation.  When I do this, the things I may have looked over or dismissed as mundane become glorious!  The smile of a child standing next to you, the waddle of the dog passing you on the street, the incredible flavors in a bite of sushi, the crazy lightning display we had a few days back—all awesome reminders of how beautiful this life is!
Well, I’m out of rhyming words so that’s my list.  What’s yours?  Only 32 weeks left people.  Lock it in!

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